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Our Class.




Hi! My name is Miss Penick. This is my second year as a teacher. I have a wonderful group of third graders who I look forward to seeing and learning with each day.


I graduated from Southwest Minneosta State University in Marshall, MN. I now live in Conrad, IA. Here is a short list of some of my favorite things: 

  1.  Family and Friends

  2. Faith

  3. softball

  4. eating - especially PIZZA!! 

  5. music - any kind! 

  6. all sports 

  7. netflix 

  8. My Nieces :) 

  9. Vacations - espeicially to warm, warm places!

  10. Roadtrips 

  11. Going to movies (with popcorn and M&M's) 



This website is intended to give anyone who visits a place to get to know our class and see what we are up to in 3P.


It is also a great resource for our learners as it has links to educational webistes that will help the students to grow in many different skills. 










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Our Staff

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